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* 35% Off on order total over $80 * Offer only available for new customers * Offer cannot be combined with any other coupons or discounts. * Use for first order only * Maximum 6 frames per order. * Offer subject to adjustment due to modifications, returns, cancellations, and exchanges. * Free Shipping applies to delivery with USPS and CAPS carrier * Offer may not be used on frames of Ray-Ban, Oakley, ARNETTE Coach, Armani Exchange, Ralph or Vogue eyewear.
� Offer cannot be combined with any other coupons or discounts. � Maximum 6 frames per order. � Offer subject to adjustment due to modifications, returns, cancellations, and exchanges. � On all orders above $100. � Coupon is not available for frames of Ray-Ban, Oakley, ARNETTE or Vogue eyewear
T&C: • The 60% Discount applies for lenses only. • Offer available select Ray-Ban and Oakley frames • Offer cannot be combined with any other coupons or discounts. • Maximum 6 frames per order. • Offer available exclusively in the United States
$30 off on orders $100+
� Two frames must be selected. � At least one of the frames must be $15 and cannot be onsale. � 60% Discount � Applies to the complete pair (frame and lenses) of lesser value only. � Offer subject to adjustment due to modifications, returns, cancellations, and exchanges. � Maximum 6 frames per order. � Offer can not be combined with any other coupons or discounts. � Offer may not be used on frames of Ray-Ban, Oakley, ARNETTE or Vogue eyewear.
40% Off for Blue-light Lenses Only
20% off all orders $75+
Buy 1 Pair Get 2nd Pair 60% Off
* 40% Off Lenses on Orders $60+ applied to Eyebuydirect full price products, and Designer products. * Offer cannot be combined with any other coupons * Maximum 6 frames per order. * Offer subject to adjustment due to modifications, returns, cancellations, and exchanges. *Offer is not applied to Eyebuydirect onsale frames.
35% Off Lenses on Orders $80+
40% off Blue Light Blocking Lenses . * Extra 40% Off for Bluelight Lenses - EBDBlue 360, EBDBlue Smart and SightRelax and EBD Clear Premium. * Discount is applied to lenses only. * Offer cannot be combined with any other coupons or promotions. * Packages are not included. * Maximum 6 frames per order. * Offer subject to adjustment due to modifications, returns, cancellations, and exchanges. * Coupon is not available for frames of Ray-Ban, Oakley, ARNETTE, or Vogue eyewear.
25% off all orders $110+
Get 50% off Lenses on Designer Brands products
30% off on Orders $100+
� 35% off lens on orders $80+ � Offer cannot be combined with any other coupons or discounts. � The lens discount will be applied to the full-price frame pair only � Maximum 6 frames per order. � Offer subject to adjustment due to modifications, returns, cancellations, and exchanges. � Offer may not be used on Ray-Ban, Oakley, ARNETTE, or Vogue Eyewear frames.
* 35% Off on order total over $80 * Offer only available for new customers * Offer cannot be combined with any other coupons or discounts. * Use for first order only * Maximum 6 frames per order. * Offer subject to adjustment due to modifications, returns, cancellations, and exchanges. * Free Shipping applies to delivery with USPS and CAPS carrier * Offer may not be used on frames of Ray-Ban, Oakley, ARNETTE Coach, Armani Exchange, Ralph or Vogue eyewear.
30% off Blue Light Blocking Lenses