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The purchase of the Autodesk Fusion bundle offers a 33% discount off the Suggested Retail Price (SRP) for purchases of three new 1-year subscriptions to Autodesk Fusion, purchased as a bundle, excluding taxes. Products available through the Autodesk eStore under this programme include a 3-seat bundle of Autodesk Fusion. This offer is available in India and may not be combined with other rebates or promotions and is void where prohibited or restricted by law. Products must be purchased from the Autodesk online store and the applicable discount will automatically appear in your basket. AUTODESK RESERVES THE RIGHT TO CANCEL, SUSPEND OR MODIFY PART OF OR THIS ENTIRE PROGRAMME AT ANY TIME WITHOUT NOTICE, FOR ANY REASON IN ITS SOLE DISCRETION. PRICES FOR AUTODESK SOFTWARE ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE. Terms and conditions apply.